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31 août 2008

Olmert - Abbas

Ministers expressed their anger during Sunday's cabinet meeting at Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's plan to try and convince Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to sign a document outlining all the clauses in which agreements had been reached in...
31 août 2008

TheTelegraph: 'US fears Russia to sell S-300 to Iran'

US intelligence is concerned Moscow will supply the S-300 anti-aircraft-missile system to Iran if Washington pushes through NATO membership for Georgia and Ukraine, the Telegraph reported Sunday.The S-300 is one of the most advanced multi-target anti-aircraft-missile...
31 août 2008

Les enfants de Gaza s'entraînent à tuer des Juifs

Si la trêve avec le Hamas a permis aux enfants israéliens du Néguev occidental de profiter normalement de leurs grandes vacances, les petits Palestiniens ont exploité autrement ce cessez-le-feu respecté principalement par Israël. Les organisations terroristes...
31 août 2008

Olmert - Abbas

Le chef des négociations de l’OLP, le Dr. Sa'eb Erekat, a dit aujourd’hui que il est fort improbable qu’il y aura un accord entre Palestiniens et Israéliens au cours du mois de septembre, comme l’avaient suggéré certains rumeurs. «L'écart entre les positions...
31 août 2008

Syrian leader thought Cold War is back, but Russia made it clear Assad was wrong

The Syrian army’s aging generals couldn’t believe their eyes: The Soviet Union is back. After seeing Russian tanks entering Georgia, they thought that time can be turned back two decades, to the era where the Soviet superpower backed President Hafez al-Assad;...
31 août 2008

Italy agrees to pay Libya $5 billion as compensation for 30-year occupation

Italy agreed to pay Libya $5 billion as compensation for its 30-year occupation of the country during the 20th century, the Libyan foreign minister told reporters Saturday. Abdel-Rahman Shalgam said that visiting Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi...
31 août 2008

Yemeni police have arrested a leading figure of the Islamic Jihad movement

Yemeni police have arrested a leading figure of the Islamic Jihad movement in the southern province of Abyan amid a clampdown on militant groups, security sources said on Saturday. Khaled Abdulnabi was captured outside his house in the city of Ja'ar in...
31 août 2008

Iran/ Islamic Jihad in Gaza

Iran is mobilizing Islamic Jihad in Gaza in an effort to sabotage the cease-fire between Hamas and Israel, the London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds al-Arabi claimed in a report on Friday. Hours after the report appeared, a spokesman for Islamic Jihad's al-Quds...
31 août 2008

PA claims Israeli gov't has no objections to Barghouti's release

The Israeli government has informed the Palestinian Authority that it has no objections to the release of jailed Fatah operative Marwan Barghouti, a senior PA official in Ramallah said over the weekend. The official told The Jerusalem Post that Barghouti...
31 août 2008

Olmert - Abbas

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas are scheduled to meet Sunday in Jerusalem, in what will most likely be their final meeting before the Kadima primary on September 17.Olmert will seek to convince the Palestinian...
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