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22 mai 2007

Nahr al-Bared

Le gouvernement libanais a ordonné à son armée ''d'éliminer'' les membres de l'organisation ''Fatah Al-Islam'' qui mènent actuellement de lourds combats contre les soldats libanais dans un camp palestinien situé au nord du Liban. Le ministre syrien des...
21 mai 2007


A 35-year-old woman was killed and another person moderately wounded Monday evening when a Qassam rocket hit a car in the western Negev town of Sderot.Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Resistance Committees all claimed responsibility for the attack....
21 mai 2007


Four Islamic Jihad members were killed in an Israel Air Force strike in the Gaza Strip on Monday afternoon, bringing to five the death toll in the day's strikes targeting those launching Qassam rockets against southern Israel.Earlier Monday, cabinet ministers...
21 mai 2007


Ismaïl Haniyeh appelle le peuple palestinien à ''rester uni face aux agressions israéliennes''. Le Premier ministre Hamas a également exhorté le roi Abdallah de Jordanie et la Ligue arabe à ''oeuvrer d'urgence pour mettre un terme aux attaques israéliennes''....
21 mai 2007


Deux roquettes Qassam ont été retrouvées dans le Néguev occidental par les forces de sécurité qui ratissaient le secteur. Elles ont probablement atterri durant la nuit. On ne déplore aucun blessé. Près de 160 roquettes Qassam ont été tirées sur Israël...
21 mai 2007

Explosion à Beyrouth

Les affrontements ont repris ce matin dans le nord du Liban entre les terroristes du groupe palestinien Fatah al-Islam apparenté à Al-Qaïda, et les soldats libanais. Pour rappel, 23 soldats et 16 hommes armés ont été tués hier dans ces affrontements....
20 mai 2007


Lebanese troops battled al Qaida-linked militants based in a Palestinian refugee camp on Sunday and at least 48 people were killed in Lebanon's bloodiest internal fighting since the 1975-90 civil war. Fatah al-Islam, a Sunni group, said the army had launched...
20 mai 2007

"Fateh al-Islam"

Today, Ahmed Fatfat, minister of sports and youths, and who is from northern Lebanon, said that security forces raided militant hideouts in Tripoli neighborhoods, including one on the southern edge of the city on the coastal highway linking Tripoli with...
20 mai 2007


Defense Minister Amir Peretz, on Sunday declared a "special Home Front situation" as Qassam rockets continued to fall in southern Israel and in light of the estimation that the situation would continue for many days. PM Olmert vows to overcome bureaucratic...
20 mai 2007

Israeli raid Qassam launching cell

Four Palestinians were killed as the IAF fired missiles at targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Saturday. Three were killed in a strike on a car in Gaza City, while one died as aircraft hit a three-person squad in Jabalya that had just fired a rocket at...
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