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Publicité (tentative contre la censure)
3 mai 2007

Sharm El Sheikh

An official from the American State Department has approved that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to meet with her Syrian counterpart, Walid Mualem, at the Iraq conference that opened today in Egypt. Over the last few days, it was uncertain...
3 mai 2007

Condoleezza Rice-Walid Moallem

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said a much anticipated first high-level meeting in years between the United States and Syria was "professional and businesslike" and focused on how to improve security in Iraq."I didn't lecture him and he didn't...
4 mai 2007

Sharm El Sheikh

Iran's foreign minister on Friday said the US-led occupation of Iraq has caused pain and suffering and worsened the situation in the war-torn country. Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters that the world should not be dominated by one or...
5 mai 2007

"Israeli political crisis delaying moves on Arab peace plan"

Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit asked when Egypt and Jordan would be going to meet the Israelis, Aboul Gheit said, "Do you think that the Israelis are in a position to receive anybody? Of course not." The Winograd Committee's report, highly...
5 mai 2007

Qassam rocket

A Qassam rocket fired by Gaza militants hit a house in the western Negev town of Sderot on Saturday morning, causing damage but no injuries. A second rocket hit a road near the town, but did not cause any damage. Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for...
5 mai 2007

Popular Resistance Committees

Faouzi Baroum, Hamas spokesman in Gaza said today, the group rejects a new U.S. benchmark document detailing actions for both Israel and the Palestinian Authority to implement in the coming months. "The American plan is rejected and we will work to make...
5 mai 2007

Hamas rejette la proposition américaine

Six missiles ont été tirés depuis vendredi soir de la bande de Gaza en direction d'Israël et l'un d'entre eux a endommagé une maison israélienne. Le Djihad islamique, qui n'a pas signé la trêve conclue il y a six mois par le Hamas, a revendiqué ce tir....
6 mai 2007

Frank Walter Steinmeier

During the meeting in Ramallah, the President Mahmoud Abbas, briefed Germanf foreign minister Frank Walter Steinmeier on the latest developments in the Palestinian territories in light of Israeli military escalation and the possible ways to left international...
6 mai 2007

Frank Walter Steinmeier

Germany's foreign minister held several meetings with members of Palestinian cabinet, yesterday refused to meet mayor of Bethlehem, Victor Batarseh. The minister didn't meet the mayor of Bethlehem because such a meeting was not scheduled, but sources...
7 mai 2007

The Arab peace plan

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni will travel to Cairo on Thursday to hold initial talks with her Egyptian and Jordanian counterparts about the recently revived Arab peace initiative. The Arab League named Egypt and Jordan to a working group which would contact...
21 mai 2007

Explosion à Beyrouth

Les affrontements ont repris ce matin dans le nord du Liban entre les terroristes du groupe palestinien Fatah al-Islam apparenté à Al-Qaïda, et les soldats libanais. Pour rappel, 23 soldats et 16 hommes armés ont été tués hier dans ces affrontements....
21 mai 2007


Deux roquettes Qassam ont été retrouvées dans le Néguev occidental par les forces de sécurité qui ratissaient le secteur. Elles ont probablement atterri durant la nuit. On ne déplore aucun blessé. Près de 160 roquettes Qassam ont été tirées sur Israël...
21 mai 2007


Ismaïl Haniyeh appelle le peuple palestinien à ''rester uni face aux agressions israéliennes''. Le Premier ministre Hamas a également exhorté le roi Abdallah de Jordanie et la Ligue arabe à ''oeuvrer d'urgence pour mettre un terme aux attaques israéliennes''....
21 mai 2007


Four Islamic Jihad members were killed in an Israel Air Force strike in the Gaza Strip on Monday afternoon, bringing to five the death toll in the day's strikes targeting those launching Qassam rockets against southern Israel.Earlier Monday, cabinet ministers...
22 mai 2007

Nahr al-Bared

Le gouvernement libanais a ordonné à son armée ''d'éliminer'' les membres de l'organisation ''Fatah Al-Islam'' qui mènent actuellement de lourds combats contre les soldats libanais dans un camp palestinien situé au nord du Liban. Le ministre syrien des...
22 mai 2007

Walid Al Mouallem

Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Mouallem denied allegations that Syria had contacts with the Fatah al-Islam organization that has been fighting the Lebanese army in the last days. "This group does not serve the interests of the Palestinian cause or the...
23 mai 2007

"La trêve"

Après trois jours de combats entre les islamistes du Fatah al Islam retranchés dans le camp et l'armée libanaise, un cessez-le-feu semblait tenir dans la matinée tandis quelque 15.000 personnes, soit près de la moitié des habitants du camp, ont profité...
24 mai 2007

The arrest campaign

IDF forces arrested 33 Hamas members overnight in a large-scale operation throughout the West Bank. Among those arrested are the minister of education for the Palestinian Authority, four mayors and municipality chairmen and three members of the legislative...
4 juin 2007

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Spain will summon Iran's ambassador to condemn the Iranian president's latest verbal attack on Israel, officials said Monday. On Sunday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the world would witness the destruction of Israel soon, the official Islamic...
4 juin 2007


Une roquette Qassam s'est abattue sur des serres du moshav Netiv Haassara, au sud d'Ashkelon. Par ailleurs, les Palestiniens ont tiré également 6 obus de mortiers en direction du Néguev occidental. Quatre d'entre eux sont tombés sur des terrains vagues,...
4 juin 2007


Les Etats-Unis envisagent l'augmentation de leur aide militaire au Liban, pour aider son armée à lutter contre l'organisation terroriste Fatah al-Islam, implanté dans le camp de réfugiés de Nahr el-Bared dans le nord du pays. La Maison Blanche a dernièrement...
4 novembre 2007

Rice and Olmert agree Syria can attend peace summit

On her third visit to the region in the last six weeks, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice lunched with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday to discuss the upcoming Mideast peace conference expected in the last week of the month in Annapolis, Maryland....
7 novembre 2007

Possible UN resolution on Iran

The security cabinet discussed Wednesday morning a resolution in the works at the United Nations to impose more sanctions on Iran. Also being discussed is the criticism of the Mohammad ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the United...
8 juin 2008


Talks between Fatah and Hamas in the Senegalese capital Dakar this weekend had restored "an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect" between the Palestinian factions, a statement signed by both sides said on Sunday. Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade,...
8 juin 2008


Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on Sunday fired a barrage of Qassam rockets toward the western Negev, which exploded in open fields in the Eshkol region. A migrant worker was lightly hurt by shrapnel in one of the blasts. Later Sunday, Israel...
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